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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Chat: Hairstyles You're Dying to Try for Spring/Summer 2013

Happy Sunday lovelies!

This post is coming to you a tad bit late this Sunday. My day has been particularly busy since I had to go into lab and work all day (blah!). So as you can imagine, the first thing I did when I came home today was sleep! Nevertheless, I couldn't go to bed this evening without a post for Sunday Chat.


One thing about me is that I am, for the most part, a planner. I have moments where I try to freestyle things and sometimes it works out. Most of the time it doesn't. So, I just stick to planning. And planning how I'm going to wear my hair for the upcoming warmer months falls into that whole 'Sharday likes to plan things' category. Last spring and summer I wore a lot of top knots and messy buns. And that got boring. Fast. This year I am dying to switch things up a bit and do the following to my hair:

1) Sleek chignon: Something about this style just looks so put together and it is a definite change from all my hair plied on the top of my head. I just love it and I think this would be a great style for early spring. Plus, I plan on wearing a lot of color this spring and the last thing I need is big hair on top of color. I think I would like like a reverse stick of cotton candy. I'm just trying to keep it classic and chic here.

2) Senegalese twists:
Lawd I want these soo bad for the summer! I haven't had my hair braided in AGES and I think these twists would give my hair a break for awhile. I also like them because they seem to be 'long hair friendly' (unlike micros) and they are just cute! The only problem is: I don't think anyone in B'ham does them (I swear B'ham can be so slow on the uptake sometimes) and I may have to drive to ATL to get them. I'm hoping that I can find someone to do my hair, in B'ham, by May.

3) Braidouts: I have waited so long to have long enough hair to get a decent braid out and when I get long hair, I do like 1 braidout lol. That has got to change! I love the summery look of braidouts and I look forward to perfecting my technique.

Have you thought about the styles you would like to try for Spring/Summer 2013? Let me know in the comments below!

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